This project is a direct collaboration among Panasonic Automotive Systems Europe and MIPS Group ( of ISI/ATHENA and its aim is to study the feasibility of one or more re-localization techniques...
This project is a direct collaboration among Panasonic Automotive Systems Europe and MIPS Group ( of ISI/ATHENA and its aim is to study the feasibility of one or more re-localization techniques...
We are pleased to announce that that the MIPS group of ISI / ATHENA ( takes part into two new projects: 1. The proposal submitted back in October 2021 in...
ISI and the CPSoSaware partners are delighted to announce the organisation of MLPS2022 “Multimodal Sensing for Localization, Planning and Scene Understanding” workshop, in the context of MED2022 “The 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and...
This project is a direct collaboration among Panasonic Automotive Systems Europe and MIPS Group ( of ISI/ATHENA and it is focused on defining and implementing novel multimodal localization methods for...
We are pleased to announce that our new project, which is a direct collaboration among Panasonic Automotive Systems Europe and MIPS Group of ISI/ATHENA, it was kicked off this week....
Dr. Christos Mavrokefalidis received the Diploma degree in Computer Engineering and Informatics, the Masters degree in Signal Processing Systems and the PhD degree in Signal Processing for Wireless Communications, from...
Nikos Piperigkos received his Diploma of Engineering from Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID), School of Engineering, University of Patras, Greece in 2018. He joined Signal Processing and Communications (SPC)...
Christos Didachos holds a diploma degree in Electronic Engineering from the Technological Educational Institute of Crete and a M.Sc. degree in BioInformatics from the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program “Life Sciences Informatics”...
Konstantinos Moustakas received the Diploma degree and the PhD in electrical and computer engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2003 and 2007 respectively. During 2007-2011 he served...
Prof. Kostas Berberidis ( has been with the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID), University of Patras, since 1997, where he is currently a Professor, and Head of SPCLab. In...