Erion-Vassilis Pikoulis received his Diploma degree, his M.A.Sc. degree and his Ph.D. from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID), School of Engineering (SE), University of Patras (UoP), Rio Patras, Greece.
He is currently a Post-doc researcher at a) Signal Processing & Communications (SPC) Lab, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Greece, and at b) Industrial Systems Institute (I.S.I.), Research Center Athena, Patras, Greece.
His general research interest include:
▪ Automatic seismic signal detection.
▪ Stochastic signal modelling and parameter estimation
▪ Deep Learning
▪ Pattern recognition and clustering techniques.
▪ Array processing and beamforming techniques.
▪ Inverse problem theory.